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Parks & Recreation 3.26.07 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2007

Committee Members: Mike Prisco (MP), PersonNameSergio Coviello (SC), Rita Mullin (RM)
Staff:  Brian Wood (BW), Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Absent:  Lauren McMullen (LM), Nasos Phillips (NO)
Audience: Jason Montenaro, Aldo Tramatozzi
(MP)    7:18pm Quorum, meeting called to order

Minutes from 2/26/07 and 3/12/07
(SC)    Sergio Coviello made a motion to accept minutes from February 26, 2007 and March 12, 2007
Parks & Recreation Committee Meetings.
(RM)    Rita Mullin second the motion.
In Favor:  3            Opposed:  0             Abstained: 0

Old Business
Deer Run Restrictive Covenant
Revisited a conversation regarding the maintenance and construction of a toddler playground over on
The addressStreetDeer Run/Valley Road residential development.  As in the past, the committee maintains their decision
That they are not interested in taking on a stand alone parcel on addressStreetValley Road to construct and maintain a
Children’s Playground.  
(RM)    Rita Mullin has made a motion to ask Brian Wood to write a letter to Nancy Walsh,
Executive Director of Sunbridge Corporation, stating that the letter addressed to her, Nancy Walsh, in March
2007 expressing that Mr. Wood would like to explore possibilities of using the Sunbridge
Subsurface disposal System as a practice field for placeNorth Reading residents, his sole opinion and in
no way the opinion or a recommendation by the Parks & Recreation Committee.
(SC)    Sergio Coviello Seconds the motion with the condition that the letter drafted by Brian
Wood is copied to the Committee members prior to release to Nancy Walsh.
In Favor:  3            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0

Status update on IRP Improvements
A discussion was revisited on IRP Improvement Plan including bathroom facilities, Volleyball
Courts along with future concepts of a pavilion and the Wheeler Property. A Preliminary Phase
plan of construction was presented as a concept for prioritizing each project and to create a path for
research on obtaining costs, materials need, and to initiate the beginning  of said plan at  IRP.  
Committee agreed that the Bathrooms and Volleyball Court Project should be Phase 1 of the plan and
then the Wheeler Property should Phase 2.

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Status update on IRP Improvements (cont’d)
The Parks & Recreation Committee have asked Brian Wood to research costs of various bathrooms
facility constructions, of various types with and without volleyball courts included, and to bring those
back to the committee for review.
(RM)    Rita Mullin made a motion for Parks & Recreation Committee to Support Phase 1 of
IRP Improvements Plan to be the Bathroom Facilities and Volley ball Courts based costs and
appropriation of monies from the LUC Committee.
(SC)    Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
In Favor:  3            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0

Design and Build of Little League Field Bathroom Facilities
Due to time restraints this issue will be tabled and revisited at a later meeting.

IRP Hockey Park issues and Discussion
Jason Montenaro joined the Committee meeting to present a draft of a letter he has written asking a
Sporting Goods retailer(s) for assistance with financial support to repair and or reconstruct the PlaceNameHockey
PlaceNameplaceSkate PlaceTypePark at IRP. With the accept ion of some verbiage correction, overall the committee was please
with the contents of Mr. Montenaro’s letter and his passion to find a way to fix the skate park.
Mr. Montenaro will revise his letter and sent a copy to the Committee members prior to sending to
the retailer(s).  Jason requested the ability of obtaining costs and quotes on repairing and/or replacing
the rink from contractors and equipment /material suppliers.  The committee agreed that he could
do so.  Also, Mr. Montenaro inquired if the Committee would be open to allow advertisements on the
rink of the retailer(s) that are willing to donate.  Mr. Montenaro also informed the committee that he
has spoken to a group of people willing to help with the construction of the project, however,
discussing the labor donation is the last item to take place on planning the project due to the need
for costs, material, time frame, etc.

New Business
School Committee plan to maintain their own Fields
Due to time restraints this issue will be tabled and revisited at a later meeting.

Financial Review
The committee began a review of the finances, concentrating on an unemployment overage incurred
due to a parks employee being kept on longer during the Fall/Winter season to do some work.  
When the employee left he filed for Unemployment, which in turn the Parks & Recreation Department
was charged on their financial statements. Mr. Wood was unaware of the journal transaction
of unemployment expenses because this situation has never occurred previously.  Conversation was
halted to due timing and will be revisited at a later date.

Other Business
Aldo Tramatozzi and Soccer Tournament June 23 thru June 24th.
Mr. Tramatozzi presented an idea of running a soccer tournament for U10 on the weekend of June23 and June 24th.  He has asked around and believes that there is enough interest that he could pull together many

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teams and be able to run a two day tournament.  All fees and Proceeds would be donated to NR P&R Dept. from the tournament.  Mr. Tramatozzi is looking for sponsorship only from the NR P&R Dept. so that they will be recognized by the league officials to be a tournament. Aldo will do all organizing, paperwork and running of the tournament.  The only items he would need help with is the permission, prep of the fields, transportation of nets, a field Marshall, port a potties, set up concession stand and possibly volunteers.  Mr. Tramatozzi chose this weekend because he thought it was the last weekend before school ended, however, Lynne Clemens informed Mr. Tramatozzi that school ended on June 19th this year due to lack of snow days.  This conflict of dates for the end of school could cause lower registration that originally anticipated.
NR P & R Committee informed Mr. Tramatozzi that they are interested in the idea of the tournament but would need some time to research the availability of volunteers from the department staff and how the tournament would effect the Parks & Recreation Programs because they begin the very next Monday on June 25th.

Schedule for next Committee meeting
April 2, 2007 in Room 5, are we keeping meeting?

(RM)    A motion was made by Rita Mullin at 9:38pm to adjourn the meeting.
(SC)    Sergio Coviello second the motion
        In Favor:  3            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0